Business Boosting Strategies

How to Build Effective B2B Landing Pages

Written by Cathy Cain-Blank | Dec 14, 2021 6:12:02 PM

B2B landing pages can be your most critical asset when it comes to attracting prospects and increasing the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns. However, you need to know the ins and outs of building compelling B2B landing pages to convert visitors into customers.

Attracting B2B customers is more challenging than attracting B2C customers. Multiple decision-makers are usually involved, each of whom may have a different perspective and likings, which can lead to a delay in making decisions. That means B2B landing pages need to be dealt with more tactfully. No matter how attractive your B2B website is, if you want to generate good quality leads for your business, you need to identify what constitutes a good landing page.

Research shows that B2B landing pages have an average conversion rate of 13.28%. So, if you’re looking at achieving higher conversion rates than this average, we’ve got some useful tips for you.

7 Ways to Make Your B2B Landing Pages Pop

1. Ensure the Overall Layout Is Clean and Well-Organized

The overall structure of your B2B landing page will determine its effectiveness and impact on visitors. Your landing page should be as decluttered as possible. It should have a simplistic design.

All the elements of the landing page should combine to tell your brand story. Clearly state your value proposition to your prospects. Try to provide them with valuable information in fewer words. Clean pages with minimum distractions perform well. Too much information can be overwhelming for the readers.

Research shows that landing pages designed for cursory reading are more likely to be read. Use a mix of headlines, bullets, and visuals to make your messages stand out.

2. Leverage the Headline to Capture the Prospect’s Attention

The landing page’s headline plays an important role in grabbing the readers’ attention, building their interest, and helping them understand the product/service (B2B products and services are typically hard to explain).

Therefore, ensure the headline is short and tells the reader what the product/service is about. Moreover, if the headline is paired with an image/illustration that explains the product/service, then you don’t need to add a lot of details in the copy.

Research shows that 8 out of 10 people will read your headline, and only 2 will read the rest of the page.

3. Add Clear Call-to-Action Buttons

The main purpose of a call-to-action button is to compel the reader to act. First things first, avoid adding more than three call-to-action buttons on the landing page. Secondly, ensure the buttons are clearly visible. Some commonly used call-to-action buttons for B2B landing pages are:

● Book a Free Trial
● Request a Demo
● Sign Up for a Free Consultation

You can also consider personalizing the call to action for your target audience. HubSpot research suggests that personalized call-to-action buttons convert 202% better than normal call-to-action buttons. Also, ensure your call-to-action buttons use a bright, eye-catching color. A study conducted on SaaS landing pages shows that 51.3% of SaaS landing pages have green-colored call-to-actions.

This doesn’t mean you should only use green call-to-action buttons on your B2B landing pages, but we suggest giving it some thought.

4. Play With Visuals to Engage the Readers

As already mentioned above, B2B products and services can be difficult to explain. Therefore, it’s best to add visuals to convince your readers and compel them to act.

Images (the brain processes visuals 60,000 times faster than text-based content) and videos are excellent for demonstrating complex offerings to prospects. Research shows that almost 50% of online users search for a video related to a B2B product or service before making a decision.

5. Embed Trust Indicators

B2B landing pages with higher conversion rates use trust indicators to demonstrate their brand worth. Some examples of trust signals include:

● Customer testimonials
● Customer ratings and reviews on Google and third-party review platforms
● Endorsements from past customers
● Trust badges

6. Create a Mobile-Friendly Page

Research suggests that 86.9% of top-ranking landing pages are mobile-friendly. These days, it is of the utmost importance to build landing pages that are mobile-compatible.

It is estimated that approximately 53.3% of web traffic comes from mobile devices, and the number is ever-growing. Make certain you optimize your B2B landing page for mobile.

7. Design User-Friendly Forms

B2B landing pages typically have long forms. However, the form layout can have a significant impact on your conversion. The more fields you ask your landing page visitors to fill, the higher the chance they will leave your page.

If your conversion requires a form, only add relevant questions. Ensure the form is easy to fill and short. You can use A/B testing to test multiple forms on your landing page.

Visit our Resource page to see samples of landing pages. For more information about or help creating landing pages, contact us!

This post was originally published in October 2019 and has been updated for accuracy and comprehensiveness.