Business Boosting Strategies

How To Optimize Your B2B Email Marketing With UTM Parameters

Written by Troy Sympson | Jun 9, 2023 5:54:36 PM

Are you struggling to measure the effectiveness of your B2B email marketing campaigns? Do you find it challenging to determine which email campaigns are generating the most ROI? If so, you’re not alone.

Email marketing is critical to B2B marketing, and tracking its performance is essential for success. That’s why we’re here to introduce you to UTM (Urchin Tracking Module) parameters and show how they can help you optimize your email marketing efforts.

We’ll guide you through the process of setting up and using UTM parameters to track and analyze email campaign data. Using email UTM parameters, you can measure your campaigns’ success, identify improvement areas, and ultimately drive more conversions.

Let’s dive in and learn how to optimize your B2B email marketing with UTM parameters.

What Are UTM Parameters and How Are They Used in Email Marketing?

As a B2B marketer, it’s important to understand the basics of UTM parameters and how they can be used to track your email campaigns. So, what are UTM parameters exactly?

A UTM parameter, also known as a campaign parameter or UTM code, is a string of text that is added to the end of a website link. When someone clicks on that link, the UTM parameter is sent to Google Analytics, which then tracks the user’s activity on the website.

The beauty of UTM parameters is that they allow you to track the effectiveness of your email campaigns in a way that isn’t possible with standard website tracking. Using UTM parameters, you can track how many people are clicking on your email links, which links are being clicked on the most, and which email campaigns drive the most traffic to your website.

Email UTM parameters consist of several components, including the source, medium, campaign, and content. The source component identifies the website where the traffic is coming from. The medium component identifies the type of traffic. The campaign component identifies the specific campaign that the link is associated with. Finally, the content component allows you to differentiate between different versions of the same link.

Why Use UTM Parameters in B2B Email Marketing?

Using UTM parameters in your email campaigns, you can track and analyze data that will help you improve your email marketing strategy.

UTM parameters allow you to measure the success of your email campaigns more accurately. Without UTM parameters, it can be difficult to determine which campaigns are driving the most traffic to your website and which links are getting the most clicks.

Additionally, email UTM parameters provide a wealth of data that can help you optimize your B2B email marketing strategy. By analyzing UTM parameter data, you can determine which campaigns resonate with your audience, which subject lines are getting the most openings, and which calls-to-action drive the most clicks.

Let’s say you’re running a campaign to promote a new white paper. Using UTM parameters, you can track which email subject lines drive the most clicks, which calls-to-action get the most engagement, and which audience segments respond best to the campaign. Armed with this data, you can adjust your email marketing strategy to be more effective in the future.

How To Set Up UTM Parameters for B2B Email Campaigns

Setting up UTM parameters in your B2B email campaigns is a straightforward process that you can do in a few simple steps. To get started, you’ll need to:

  1. Choose the URL you want to track.
  2. Use a UTM builder tool to create your UTM parameters. Some of the best tools include Google URL Builder, HubSpot’s tracking URL builder, and Bitly.
  3. Fill out the necessary fields, including the source, medium, campaign, and content.
  4. Use consistent and specific naming conventions for your UTM parameters to ensure accuracy and consistency across all campaigns.

When it comes to choosing a UTM builder tool, it’s essential to consider your needs and budget. While Google URL Builder is a free and reliable option, paid tools like HubSpot and Bitly offer additional features and functionality that may be beneficial for your business. Regardless of which tool you choose, setting up UTM parameters is a critical step in tracking the effectiveness of your B2B email campaigns.

Best Practices for Using UTM Parameters in B2B Email Campaigns

To effectively use UTM parameters in B2B email campaigns, it is important to report and analyze UTM parameter data in Google Analytics. Additionally, it’s crucial to interpret UTM parameter data and identify key performance indicators (KPIs).

When interpreting UTM parameter data, remember the following best practices:

  • Double-check your spelling and capitalization in all parameters to avoid inconsistencies and errors.
  • Use hyphens instead of spaces in your parameters to ensure they’re recognized as separate words.
  • Use lowercase letters in all parameters to maintain consistency and accuracy.
  • Only include the parameters you need to avoid clutter and make analysis easier.
  • Consider using a URL shortener like Bitly to make your links more visually appealing and easier to share.

To optimize your B2B email marketing campaigns using UTM parameters, consider the following recommendations:

  • Use Google Analytics to analyze the data provided by your UTM parameters.
  • Use custom parameters to track specific pieces of information about your campaigns.
  • Use KPIs such as click-through rates and revenue generated to measure the success of your email marketing campaigns.
  • Use UTM parameters to measure the impact of A/B tests on email performance and refine your strategy based on the results.

If you need help implementing UTM parameters to measure the performance of your B2B email campaigns and grow your business, contact us today!